If some of the information on this site seems familiar, I'm not stealing and passing it off as my own. It's because I'm using an existing commercial product that I have changed some names and other things in order to protect the innocent villains against those dastardly adventurers.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


For keeping track of in-game dates I need a calendar. In previous campaigns I've made, I created calendars with fantasy names and unusual arrangement of days. Once I created months that each had three 10 day weeks. The problem, of course, is that everyone is used to the Gregorian calendar. Therefore, there's requiring remembering the calendar and making mental translations.

So for this campaign I decided to go real simple with just a touch of change to invoke some feeling of a fantasy world. I took the Gregorian calendar and only tweaked the names of the months to make it obvious what earth month it's referring.

My first thought was just to replace the end of each month with "us". I like the sound "us" at end of words. But I thought it was a little too repetitive.

Janus, Februs, Marus, Aprus, Mayus, Junus, Julus, Augus, Septus, Octobus, Novembus, Decembus

Instead I decided to group the months by season and use a suffix based on a translation of a word associated with the given season.
  • Spring, I translated the word flower into Latin: flos.
  • Autumn, I translated the word harvest into Latin (verb form): meto
  • Winter, I translated the word cold into Latin: frigus.
  • Summer, I just kept the "us"

So here is the calendar grouped by season:

Spring Summer Autumn Winter
Marflos Junus Sepmeto Decfrigus
Aprflos Julus Octmeto Janfrigus
Mayflos Augus Novmeto Febfrigus

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